Beyond Disability Inc

Our Team
Meet the BDI team, a group of volunteers who are dedicated to connecting all with technology...

Richard Stubbs OAM
Chief Executive Officer

Amanda Lewis
Secretary & Treasurer

Cindy Reed
Associate Business
Life was good for Richard Stubbs in 1991. As a Commonwealth Bank executive he had a great career and was an active member of his community. But then one day a car collided into the back of his car and life has never been the same since. Richard became a near paraplegic (46% impaired.) and found himself without a job, and seemingly without a future. Although Richard has had numerous operations since then and often he finds the pain barely tolerable, he now runs a thriving, award-winning organisation devoted to helping others who have physical disabilities. Beyond Disability is located on the Mornington Peninsula and runs self-help programs to connect housebound people who have disabilities with their families and their communities by using computer and internet technology. Participants are provided with affordable computers and internet access. Interactive online communication enables people who are isolated by their disability to engage with others in a meaningful way every day. For many it is their lifeline to the outside world. Covid was difficult as our volunteers could not make home visits. So our tech people opted to help local groups affected by fire and flood and refugees. Over 150 laptops/computers were donated by BDI. Beyond Disability is a community organisation in every sense and relies on the support of its local community in particular to help the organisation survive and thrive. Major supporters over the years such as Stateless Systems, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, the Myer Family, Federal Government, Lord Mayor’s Fund, local Councils, Microsoft and Newman’s Own Foundation have enabled the organisation to support an increasing number of people over the years. Volunteers play an enormous role in the success of the organisation by transporting equipment and training people to use the internet, email and chat forums. Since 1997 the organisation has assisted more than 400 families and individuals and is now calling on community groups and individuals to help expand into other areas of Victoria thanks to support. Beyond disability is proud to have provided well over 100,000 volunteer hours to people in need and contributed over $3.0 Million to the community. So what now for Richard Stubbs? He has built a new, successful and fulfilling life and along the way has been awarded an Order of Australia, the Rotary International and alsoTattersall’s Enterprise Awards for assisting people with disabilities. ‘I’ve been pretty busy over the years and really need a holiday ’says Richard with a wink!
I have been a volunteer with BDI (RPDS) since its inception. I am the mother of 2 adult children. I was a netball coach, and mentored trainee umpires to progress for their badge. My hobbies include jigsaw puzzles, aromatherapy, numerology, catching up with friends.
BDI has been a part of my life since its inception. My career has predominantly involved an administration background, as a Health and Safety generalist and Human Resources administrator. I'm grateful to be able to utilise my skillset to support BDI.

Lauren Milne
Media Master

Ian George
Technical Advisor

Klaus Jungling
Technical Advisor
My name is Ian George.. I grew up in a country town in North Eastern Victoria with a background in the electrical power industry (The old SECV if anyone remembers :o) My interest in computers really only started for me in the late 90’s early 00’s after catching up again with an old SEC collegue who introduced me to my early days of Windows 98, email and 28.8 K dial up modems of all things. Later, interests turned to open source software and I was introduced to a Linux distribution known as Lintmint around 2010 and haven’t really looked back. I had been looking to volunteer my time to a suitable Linux support group in my area but wasn’t able to find one and that’s how I stumbled onto BDI from an Internet search in late 2011. In that time with BDI I have seen a change from mostly laptops and desktop computers to things like Android phones and Tablets and the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBNCO) My reason to volunteer in computers and the internet? Being able to help a client appreciate what can be done with a device and the Internet. One example that comes to mind was a single gentlemen who was a little down on his luck who had family at distance in Australia and family in India and could see what a computer with a web camera could do getting in touch especially overseas.
The long road to BDI. I started out life near the German city of Wiesbaden not long after the second world war. At 2 my parents immigrated to Australia. This was fortunate as only a few years later the ship sank on a return journey to Europe. Many years later, after growing up on a poultry farm in Healesville, I graduated as a chemical engineer at, what is now, Swinburne University in Melbourne. I spent the next 34 years working as a loss prevention consultant for a Multinational Property insurer which involved a good deal of global travel. Upon retirement, I began cleaning out all my accumulated computer equipment and while looking for a suitable place to donate it, stumbled onto Beyond Disability Inc. Thus began my life as a volunteer. It continues to be a fascinating and rewarding journey, helping those experiencing hardship in one form or another. In recent times, in addition to providing on going service to our regular clients, we have managed to refurbish donated computers and laptops and then re donate them where needed, including bushfire victims, mothers in domestic violence situations, single mums struggling to make ends meet and more recently still, Afghan and Ukrainian refugees. In partnership with the GIVIT organization, we have so far donated over 90 with plans to continue into the foreseeable future.

Malcolm Fowler
NBN Consultant
English Industrial Pharmacist who emigrated to Australia in 1973. Retired as Director of Operations, L’Oréal Australia in 2000. Married with two children. Hobbies include vintage audio renovation - see VAR, photography, DIY and cycling. Joined BDI in May 2006

Gary Bogaart
My name is Gary Bogaart, retired, and live in the beautiful East Gippsland region of Victoria. Being a volunteer with Beyond Disability Inc. (BDI) has given me an interest in helping people of all ages and cultures. I was originally asked by a former BDI member, a number of years ago, to become a volunteer with BDI. And here I am today. BDI helps numerous people of all ages and abilities, as well as ex-service men and women. In my spare time I enjoy digitising and collating old print photographs, as well as travelling and renovating anything and everything. I am here to help whenever I can, so if you need help from BDI, go to www.bdi.org.au and they will explain all and put you in contact with a volunteer like myself.

Chris Fox
Hi I’m Chris, I live in Balnarring on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula In my past life as an IT Project Manager I managed to stay ahead of rapidly changing technology. So when I recently retired, I approached BDI hopeful that I could use some of my familiarity with modern technology to help people overcome technical issues with laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. It has been rewarding to be able to help others to navigate the online world and keep in touch with friends and family. I enjoy walking, cycling, and camping and I am hoping to use the extra time I now have to design and build furniture.

Martyn Lewis
Hi I'm Martyn. An ex-serviceman of full time service and 15 years Reserve. For the last 18 years I've been in the Fire Safety Essential Services Industry. Being a long time user of BDI support, I now have the opportunity to use some of my own experience to help improve the experience and others on their journey with BDI. My hobbies are limited these days due to an injury in 2004 that is slowly but steadily increasing in life changes. I love to watch and get involved as much as I can with motor sport, especially in motor X